NOTE: We do not defame or intend to defame any individual or group. We offer herein the truth as we know it about our canonically established Church and those who make false claims that they are us in some way or that they have our lines, which we deny generally esp. when the lines are traced back to our Church from Ignatius Nichols and from non-orthodox lines.
This information is essential to the Orthodox Public being misled by these independent groups who in any number of ways claim they are us and claim to have canonical sacramental authority. None listed herein who claim to be us are. They are Episcopi Vagants in the eyes of the Orthodox.
We, the lawful owners of the name, which is our registered service mark with our logo, "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" state as follows;
We are the one and only canonically established "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" and all those not part of this Church who use this name are misleading the public. We are the one and only American Orthodox Catholic Church, our short name listed in the 1927 constitution, and we state that any other church using this short name is an independent group not associated with us or Abp. Ofiesh of blessed memory.
ERROR Note: If you feel there is an error on our website please feel free to contact us about it.
To be removed from this webpage also contact us to discuss how to correct your website so you are not claiming to be us under either name, not claiming our Charter was issued to you, or using our history.
We again wish to point out we can easily prove who we are. Just visit the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth website and do a corporate search on "The Holy Eastern Orthodox" and you will find the details on the original Church, us, our corporate officers and all related details.
Dominic Martins group, from the independent movement, is claiming to be us by using a name almost identical to ours and a short name with the same letters "AOCC". We also need to mention that there cannot be a canonical patriarch of the "American Orthodox Catholic Church" since in Orthodoxy the American Orthodox Catholic Church is just the short name in commomlaw use of THEOCACNA. All those claiming to be the "AOCC" are actually old catholics.
To the best of our knowledge none of those listed below are directly associated with an old world or ethnic orthodox jurisdiction.
The Sacred and Divine Canons (Rudder) of the Orthodox Church states "if anyone leaves his Metropolitan, or Patriarch, the holy Council has decreed that he shall be deposed from office for merely by seceding he has created a schism. (c. XIV of the 21 c.) In setting up a separate altar they have left orthodoxy since their new altar is not approved by the Patriarch or Metropolian and their actions are scismatic.
It must be noted that a Bishop gets his authority from the Church and when he leaves the Church he leaves all (sacramental) authority behind and can do nothing as a bishop. Since priests get their authority from their bishop and the bishop has no such authority they have nothing but empty words and claims.
When they continue to use the Church name or adopt one almost identical and write claims to be that Church or the continuation of that Church they steal the Churches identity. In modern times they infringe the Church by using a name or other identifing mark like (a registered service mark) a logo they continue to steal from that church and mislead the public to believe they have sacramental authrity from an Orthodox Church. Members of independent Churches generally have no (orthodox) sacramental authority!
On Feb. 8, 2011 the Holy Synod did issue a Decree against Dominic Martin and as directed by the canons he was deposed and anathematized as the Holy Councils direct. Since he appears to not know or understand the canons and refused to obey the canons of the Church we could not expect him to act according to the canons.
Also call themself The Holy Eastern Orthodox
Christian Apostolic Church: North American Synod
T.H.E.O.C.A.C.N.A.S. or the
American Orthodox Christian Communion.
Clearly an independent jurisdicion after leaving the Canonically established Church without letters. This is an act of Schism according to the canons.
They claim to be the continuation of THEOCACNA after they claim to have "voted to remove the presiding heirarch from office".
In an email sent to us they deny they deposed him.
In fact they state they are leaving THEOCACNA then later claim they removed the Presiding Bishop and now claim to be THEOCACNA under another name. To prove they are us they even bought a couple domain names " and" which actually proves nothing but their intent to lie about who they are and to legally infringe us by identity theft, service mark infringement and copyright infringement.
You will find some links below in this article that show their emails that they were leaving. They failed to request the required letters and left. Later started to post their lies. You cannot be the Church jurisdicion you walked away from. When you leave you have no claim on that Church, Church name, history or property. These are the same acts that members of the independent movement attempt to make their false claims.
This Group claims to be the Continuation of THEOCACNA (Inc) but they are not! We have certified copies from the MA. Sec. of the Commonwealths Officein Boston attesting that THEOCACNA continues as the 1928 corporate Church incorporated by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh (and others named on the corporate papers) and that Abp. Victor is the head of this Church. That in itself seems to prove the claim by so many of these groups that they are the continuation of THEOCACNA is false!
Documented: These individuals were asked to leave in November and they declined but within a couple weeks they notfied Archbishop Victor of their intent to leave. They now attempt to claim they are the continuation of this Church but by walking away they created a Schism and violated the canons. Their actions prove our case. They have no Sacramentl Authority from THEOCACNA and since they were incardinated and not ordained into THEOCACNA they do not have our lines of Apostolic Succession.
We believe prior to their leaving w/o the required
letters (per the canons) that "suggestions made
to be voted on were an attempt to take over control
of this church and
an attempt to oust the
rightful leadership of this Church.
The Church has a corporate board of directors that
is headed by the corporate President and is separate
from the Holy Synod. The Constitution directs that
the Archbishop-President must Approve and Sign
all acts of the Synod. One of the suggestions
was to do away with the existing Corporate board of
directors and instead elect the bishops (synod) to
the board. Archbishop Victor would not agree to this
since the synod does not need to be the corporate
directors. We have a good board and these is no
reason to change. It was believed they had alterior
motives for suggesting this vote and shortly after
some refused to issue, request or otain a mandate
for a minor ordination contrary to the local canons
of this Church.
This is not possible since this corporate church is setup to protect the
Archbishop-President of this Church under any title he uses.
When it was discovered that was not going to be possible these individuals walked away and today
they falsely claim to be us with a similar name and logo and claims about Abp. Ofiesh and
Church history. All this does is to prove their unchristian acts and desire to be who
and what they are not.
Documented: Abp. Dominic
[who bought 2 domains and]
both domain names infringe us and show the only reason
they claim to be "THEOCACNAS" is an attempt to confuse
the public which violate the intellectual property laws.
Documented: We have documents from these individuals which clearly fail to state or claim anything other that as of Dec 7, 2009 those associated with Dominic Martin separated from theocacna by breaking communion with us AND that no one deposed the Presiding Bishop. No claims of removng the Presiding Bishop (Patriarch) or retiring the title of Patriarch ever came up in Dec 2009. In fact in 2010 Martin emailed to avoid confusion his name needed to be removed from one of the pages that had been overlooked to avoid any confusion. Now he claims the 2009 vote retired the title of Patriarch without the Patriarchs knowledge. He also claims to have removed the Patriarch. Based on the Constitution of this Church the synd could not act in such a manner. The Constitution clearly states: All acts of the synod must be approved and signed by the "Archbishop-President (title at the time the constitution was drafted of the presiding bishop or Patriarch today).
Bp. Abbot GeoMichael
Bp. Joseph
Bp. Augustine
Bp. Edward - advised that he was also leaving (By D.M.)
Abp.Leland - agreed with the above