NOTE: We do not defame or intend to defame any individual or group. We offer herein the truth as we know it about our canonically established Church and those who make false claims that they are us in some way or that they have our lines, which we deny generally esp. when the lines are traced back to our Church from Ignatius Nichols and from non-orthodox lines.
This information is essential to the Orthodox Public being misled by these independent groups who in any number of ways claim they are us and claim to have canonical sacramental authority. None listed herein who claim to be us are. They are Episcopi Vagants in the eyes of the Orthodox.
We, the lawful owners of the name, which is our registered service mark with our logo, "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" state as follows;
We are the one and only canonically established "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" and all those not part of this Church who use this name are misleading the public. We are the one and only American Orthodox Catholic Church, our short name listed in the 1927 constitution, and we state that any other church using this short name is an independent group not associated with us or Abp. Ofiesh of blessed memory.
ERROR Note: If you feel there is an error on our website please feel free to contact us about it.
To be removed from this webpage also contact us to discuss how to correct your website so you are not claiming to be us under either name, not claiming our Charter was issued to you, or using our history.
On Feb. 3, 2011 a motion was filed for a default judgmentin this case since the Defendant had not filed a timely answer with the Court within the 21 days allowed by law from the day after the papers were served.
Note: It was interesting to find out that a man who claims to be a Metropolitan of an independent Orthodox church and who holds a Fla. Chiropractic Physican license claims to live in Madison and Greenville (FL) and claims to be the head of a canonically established church is not in the phone book or known to many people in that area including the local COC. Turns out he now lives in the Gainesville, FL area. Seem all his online information is outdated.
Forbes, who died Dec 2008, was never a priest of or member of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America. He was an Antiochian priest, left the canonical and established an independent Church that now make's a claim of this nature but we can document this to be a false claim. Forbes was consecrated by 2 independent bishops, neither being part of THEOCACNA. They also falsely claim to be in our lines. This is a false claim as in Orthodoxy a bishop leaves all sacramental authority when he leaves the church. It is an old catholic claim since the catholics view the lines as always staying with the priest or bishop. We contend this also shows these are old catholics playing at being "orthodox".
They falsely claim to be us, violate the law by using our registered copyrighted materials and our registered service mark in an attempt to support their false claims. They use our name, which is identity theft, on bogus documents and have in one instance changed the logo to show our banner with a similar name below their shield. They post false documents with our service mark (logo & name) claiming these to originally have been printed and issued. This is false. Today with computers many people can alter documents to meet their needs.
They would like to prove their bogus claims by making statements about sole corporations and separation of Church and State. Many think they can claim to be THEOCACNA based on "claims" that their lines trace to Propheta, who never was part of THEOCACNA, and Ignatius, who left all sacramental authority to act as a bishop when he walked away from the Church. He later claimed to be an archbishop of another church and laid hands on individuals with no sacramental authority according to the orthodox canons. +Ignatius Nichols was not an Archbishop in this Church as some would claim. He was an Auxilary bishop to Abp. Aftimios Ofiesh and bishop of Washington, D.C. but he had no authority to ordain and consecrate at will and without Synod approval and a Mandate which he never had in THEOCACNA. All such acts occured after he left THEOCACNA, after he claimed he was an Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Church in America and in Orthodoxy without sacramental authority...Therefore his acts were done as an independent Episcopi Vagant without lines from THEOCACNA. All he ordained he ordained into an independent Church.
It must be noted that their claim to our lines can easily be proven false.
Ignatius left contrary to the canons and without
the required letter.
Therefore he had no power
to transmit Apostolic Succession for THEOCACNA
It has been reported he was defrocked by Bp
Sophronius but that we do not claim.
Forbes was consecrated by 2 independent bishops
with no lines from THEOCACNA
They were independent bishops under or associated
with, in some manner, Colin James Guthrie
Who had been excommunicated by his former synod.
Peter II Zhurewetsky was excommunicated by Clement Sherwoods Synod after Abp. Joseph died.
A Federal Lawsuit was filed June 28, 2010 against Carl D. Bartholomew in the US District Court, Northern District of Texas, Lubbock, TX for infringement of Archbishop Victor's Registered and Commonlaw (formerly Registered and still in use) intellectual property without license, authority or permission from Abp. Victor.
An Ammended Complaint was filed on Aug. 4, 2010 and the Judge issued an order to continue the lawsuit on Dec. 3, 2010.
The papers were served on Defendant Carl Barthlomew on Jan 12, 2011 at his Gainesville, Fl. address. He appears to have moved from Madison, FL. after the lawsuit was filed and Network Solutions closed his domains for this infringement based on Plaintiff's valid complaint.
A written (mailed and signed) complaint of Corporate Identity theft was filed with the Dallas FBI along with copies of some Exhibits filed in U.S. District Court.