Others using our name
"The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America"

This website contains Historic Church information

of the original canonically established 1927 Church

The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America.
Incorporated Feb, 1, 1928

Written by Archbishop Victor, Corporate President of
the canonically established

NOTE: We do not defame or intend to defame any individual or group. We offer herein the truth as we know it about our canonically established Church and those who make false claims that they are us in some way or that they have our lines, which we deny generally esp. when the lines are traced back to our Church from Ignatius Nichols and from non-orthodox lines.

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This information is essential to the Orthodox Public being misled by these independent groups who in any number of ways claim they are us and claim to have canonical sacramental authority. None listed herein who claim to be us are. They are Episcopi Vagants in the eyes of the Orthodox.

Legal Notice

We, the lawful owners of the name, which is our registered service mark with our logo, "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" state as follows;

We are the one and only canonically established "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" and all those not part of this Church who use this name are misleading the public. We are the one and only American Orthodox Catholic Church, our short name listed in the 1927 constitution, and we state that any other church using this short name is an independent group not associated with us or Abp. Ofiesh of blessed memory.

ERROR Note: If you feel there is an error on our website please feel free to contact us about it.


To be removed from this webpage also contact us to discuss how to correct your website so you are not claiming to be us under either name, not claiming our Charter was issued to you, or using our history.

Our Lawsuits

We again wish to point out we can easily prove who we are. Just visit the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth website and do a corporate search on "The Holy Eastern Orthodox" and you will find the details on the original Church, us, our corporate officers and all related details.

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Following is a list of groups, from the independent movement, who have claimed in the past or still claim to be us by using one of our names, either the corporate name of THEOCACNA, the short name (American Orthodox Catholic Church) or both. We also need to mention that there cannot be a canonical patriarch of the "American Orthodox Catholic Church" since in Orthodoxy the American Orthodox Catholic Church is just the short name in commomlaw of THEOCACNA. All those claiming to be the "AOCC" are actually old catholics.

To the best of our knowledge none of those listed below are directly associated with an old world or ethnic orthodox jurisdiction.

All who claim to be Theocacna or the AOCC by direct or indirect means, by using one of these (our) names, claiming to have changed our name, claiming to be in our lines, claiming to be orthodox when they are in fact independent and none being associated with us are liars. We are the one and only THEOCACNA/AOCC that was canonically established in 1927, incorporated in 1928 and continue today. They have no canonical sacramental authority from THEOCACNA.

All listed below to the best of our knowledge, have no (orthodox) sacramental authority from our Church or any canonical orthodox church.

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Russian Othodox Church in America

This group has for years claimed our history and claim to have changed their name because they claim the "Corporation" was stolen but they do not in so many words say stolen from them. We understand Holdridge had been given a Delaware church corporation named "American Orthodox Church" when he serarated freom Denis Garrison. That corporation, I understand, was closed by the state for not filing the annual report and not getting a new resident agent. Claiming the corporation was stolen is simple to prove as a false claim since they were never part of THEOCACNA and they were not listed on any of THEOCACNA's corporate documents. Then he later left orthodoxy and repudiated Garrison's lines.

The Russian Orthodox Church in America is another independent jurisdiction who claim our history and claim to be us but say they changed their name. This group is headed by one "Symeon" Holdridge who has operated in Wy, CO and NM. They even claim the "church corporation" was stolen so they claim that is why the changed their name. It should be noted that Mariam Ofiesh sat on the "stolen" corporations board of trustees until she retired in 1999. Many such independent groups make false claims to attempt to show they are canonical or canonically established. The book Garrison issued reads Holdridge was consecreated by Denis Garrison June 4, 1988 as bishop of Denver, CO. and Eparch of Central America. The American Orthodox Church disavows and disowns Seraphim Holdridge. At one point in the 1990's Symeon, A/K/A Seraphim (Holdridge), renounced his ordinations - lines and "retired" to a monastery for a brief period. He claims he was elevated to primate in 1989. His web provider removed certain pages where he claimed to be us by name, like history 03, 04 and 06.

For details and some of their web info click on ROCIA.

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Paul Stoms who claims to be the head of the German Orthodox Church and denied ever being a member of THEOCACNA claimed to be the head of THEOCACNA, then added "United" to the name.

Paul Stoms claims he was never part of THEOCACNA, We have in the Archives a newsetter where Garrison claimed to have accepted Stoms into THEOCACNA and a copy of a Certificate of Consecration issued to Stoms by Bp Cyril with the THEOCACNA name on it. We also have letters from German authorities that state the relative he claimed in Cologne was not on their various rolls and they knew of no person by the names given, no German Orthodox Church or seminary and one of the addresses Stoms gave as his relatives was in fact the Roman Catholic Bishops address and he also did not know of a German Orthodox Church in the city.

DOCUMENTED: In emails to us Stoms threatened to release Psychiatric information to the Dallas Newspaper yet no such informaton or records exist. He also excommunicated a bishop on his own from his independent chaplains group. This same man had plead guilty to selling business degrees from the trunk of his car (We have the newspaper articles on his arrest and guilty plea).

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The OCCNA - Orthodox Catholic Church in North America is an independent group that had been started by Denis Garrison. The group has pretty much faded away but still has a webpage up that seems to claim the 1927 Charter issued to THEOCACNA was also issued to them. They claim to have changed their name. Garrison had previously been excommunicated by C. David Luther, rumored to have been excommunicated by Bp. Ryan and was deposed by the North American Holy Synod in 1999.

The Garrison backers like to claim that he was not properly deposed in 1999 by the North American Holy Synod or that he was deposed by one bishop (solo) who he was said to have excommunicated first based on a bogus certified mail receipt. (disproven by documents on file)

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Roman Orthodox Church headed by Patrick Murray claimed to be chartered by The HOLY EASTERN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA as the western rite of THEOCACNA. Garrison (above) stated on his website that his OCCNA actually chartered the Roman Orthodox Church.

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Vladimir Wilson Sehorn who we understand started out with CACINA before being Ordained and consecrated by Denis Garrison. He incorporated his own THEOCACNA corporation. He is not associated with the 1927 canonically established Church. He had been associated with Symeon of ROCIA in the past.

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The Byzantine Catholic Church under Mar Markus also now claims to have been started by or be us but changed their name. No direct claim is made as to how this was supposed to have occured since they claim lines back to Propheta.

They had claimed to have merged or joined the Reformed Catholic Church then later parted company with them.

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A few other groups also used to claim our corporate name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America". Most who used to claim to be us changes their names when they were shown that our name is a Registered Service Mark and to use our name was illegal.

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